Lin Choi (Amaranthus tricolor), is a member of the Amaranth family (Amarantaceae). They are a common leaf vegetable throughout the tropics and in many warm temperate regions.
This grows to about 14 inches tall and has a distinctive purple colour to its leaf, which runs when cooked. Mostly used in soups and soup based dishes.
They are a very good source of vitamins including vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, riboflavin, and folate, and dietary minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, and manganese. However their moderately high content of oxalic acid inhibits the absorption of calcium, and also means that they should be avoided or eaten in moderation by people with kidney disorders, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis.
Een choi, Xian Cai (Shian Tsai), Garden Calalu, Pigweed, Prickly Calalu, Spanish Calalu. Amaranth greens, also called Chinese spinach, hinn choy or yin tsoi, callaloo, tampala, or quelite.
Boil, steam, mostly used in soups.
UK June-Mid September